Johann Christoph Pepusch (1667-1752) - "The Lonely Shepherd" Cantatas
01. Recitativo: While Corydon, The Lonely Shepherd.
02. Aria. Gay Charmer, To Befriend Thee...
03. Recitativo: The Shepherd Rose, He Gaz'd Around...
04. Aria: Who, From Love His Heart Securing...
05. A Ground By Mr. Finger
06. (Aria). Love Frowns In Beauteous Myra´s Eyes
07. Recitativo. Mark How When Sullen Clouds Appear
08. Aria. Love And The Graces Smiling...
09. First Movement (Vivace)
10. Recitativo: Cleora Sat Beneath A Shade...
11. Air: Sure Time And Love Are Both A Sleep...
12. Recitativo: Dorus Wing'd With Swift Desire...
13. Aria: Fly Care And Anguish Far Away...
14. Grave
15. Allegro
16. Vivace
17. Recitativo: When Loves Soft Passion Had Usurp'd My Breast...
18. Aria: O Love Thou Know'st My Anguish...
19. Recitativo: The God Of Love Who Hear'd My Pray'r...
20. Aria: Why Shou'd I Love The Fair That Fly's Me...
21. Air XLI: If Love's A Sweet Passion
22. Morlake Ground
23. Recitativo: Menaloas, Once The Gayest Swain...
24. Aria: Beware My Thrysis How You Prove...
25. Recitativo: Soon Alass, The Heedless Youth...
26. Aria: Ah, Simple Boy, Your Boasted Sence...
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Bergen Barokk
Mona Julsrud, soprano
Frode Thorsen, diretor
Hand Knut Sveen, cravo
Markku Luolajan-Mikkola, cello
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2 comentários:
Incluye obras de Johann Christoph Pepusch, pero también de Gottfried Finger, James Paisible, Henry Purcell y John Blow. ¡Gracias!
Logo com base em dados da wikipedia?! Meus Deus!!!!
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