George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) - "O Messias" - Messiahn
01. Messiah: Sinfonia
02. Messiah: Recitative (Tenor): Comfort Ye, My People
03. Messiah: Air (Tenor) : Every Valley
04. Messiah: Chorus: And The glory Of The Lord
05. Messiah: Recitative (Bass): Thus Saith The Lord
06. Messiah: Air (Alto): But Who May Abide
07. Messiah: Chorus: And He Shall Purify
08. Messiah: Recitative (Alto): Behold - Air & Chorus: O Thou
09. Messiah: Recitative & Air (Bass): For Behold - The People
10. Messiah: Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born
11. Messiah: Pastoral Symphony (Pifa)
12. Messiah: Recitative (Treble):There Were Shepherds - And Lo, The Angel - And The Angel, Chorus: Glory To God
13. Messiah: Air (Soprano I): Rejoice Greatly
14. Messiah: Recitative & Air (Soprano I & Alto): Then Shall The Eyes - He Shall Feed His Flock
15. Messiah: Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy
16. Messiah: Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God
17. Messiah: Air (Alto): He Was Despised
18. Messiah: Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne - All We Like Sheep
01. Messiah: Recitative (Tenor): All They That See - Chorus: He Trusted In God
02. Messiah: Recitative (Tenor): Thy Rebuke Hath - Air (Tenor): Behold And See
03. Messiah: Air (Soprano I): But Thou Didst Not Leave
04. Messiah: Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads
05. Messiah: Recitative (Tenor): Unto Which Of - Chorus: Let all the angels
06. Messiah: Air (Soprano II): Thou Art Gone Up On High
07. Messiah: Chorus: The Lord gave the word
08. Messiah: Air (Soprano I): How Beautiful Are The Feet
09. Messiah: Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out
10. Messiah: Air (Bass): Why Do The Nations
11. Messiah: Chorus: Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder
12. Messiah: Recitative (Tenor): He That Dwelleth - Air (tenor): Thou Shall Break Them
13. Messiah: Chorus: Hallelujah!
14. Messiah: Air (Soprano I): I Know That My Redeemer
15. Messiah: Chorus: Since By Man Came Death
16. Messiah: Recitative (Bass): Behold, I Tell You - Air (Bass): The Trumpet Shall Sound
17. Messiah: Recitativo (Alto): Then Shall Be Brought - Duet (Alto & Tenor): O Death - Chorus: But Thanks Be
18. Messiah: Air (Soprano II): If God Be For Us
19. Messiah: Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain
20. Messiah: Chorus: Amen
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Les Arts Florissants
William Christie, regência
Andreas Scholl, alto
Barbara Schlick, soprano I
Sandrine Piau, soprano II
Mark Padmore, tenor
Nathan Berg, baixo
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*Se possível, deixe um comentário. Sua participação é importante. Ela ajuda manter o nosso blog vivo!
2 comentários:
A qualquer momento se eu ouvir "O Messias" de Handel é quase certo que vão rolar lágrimas em meu rosto. Essa obra é de uma profundidade espiritual única e parece lembrar à alma de algo perdido, um Lar que parece difícil de alcançar no dia a dia mas que reencontramos ao ouvir essas doces notas, essas vozes angelicais.
Parabéns pelo seu blog. Certamente visitarei muito esse canto especial do mundo virtual.
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