Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) - The Complete Ballets - Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty e The Nutcracker - Ansermet (6 CDs)
Swan Lake
01. Introduction - No. 1 Scene (Allegro giusto)
02. No. 2 Waltz
03. No. 4 Pas de trois
04. No. 7 Subject - no. 8: Dance with Goblets
05. No. 10 Scene
06. No. 11 Scene No. 12 Scene No. 13 Scene
07. I. Tempo di Valse
08. V. Pas d'action: Odette et le prince
09. IV. Dans de petis cygnes
10. VI. Danse generale
11. II. Odette solo
12. VII. Coda
13. No. 15 Scene
14. No. 17 Scene: Entrance and Waltz of the Special Guests
15. No. 18 Scene
16. No. 21 Spanish Dance
17. No. 22 Neapolitan Dance
18. No. 23 Mazurka
19. No. 20 Danse Hongroise
20. No. 5 Pas de deux
01. No. 28 - Scene (Allegro agitato)
02. No. 29 - Finale
Variations on a Rococo-Theme op. 33
03. Variations on a Rococo-Theme op. 33
Symphony No. 6 op. 74
04. I Adagio - Allegro non troppo
05. II Allegro con gracia
06. III Allegro molto vivace
07. IV Finale
Sleeping Beauty
01. Introduction
02. No. 2 Dance scene
03. Introduction - adagio
04. Variation I - The Fairy of the Crystal Fountain
05. Variation II - The Fairy of the Enchanted Garden
06. Variation III - The Fairy of the Woodland Glades
07. Variation IV - The Fairy of the Songbirds
08. Variation V - The Fairy of the Golden Vine
09. Variation VI - The Lilac Fairy of the
10. Coda
11. No. 4 - Finale
12. No. 5 - Scene
13. No. 6 - Waltz
14. No. 7 - Scene
15. Rose Adagio
16. Dance of the Maids of Honour and the Pages
17. Aurora's Variation
18. Coda
19. No. 9
01. No. 10 - Entr'acte and Scene
02. No. 11 - Blind man's Buff - No. 12 - Scene: Dances of the Courtiers
03. Scene
04. Dance of the Duchesses
05. Dance of the Baronesses
06. Dance of the Countesses
07. Dance of the marchionesses
08. No. 13 - Farandole: Scene - Dance
09. No. 14 - Scene: Prince Florimund and the Lilac Fairy - no. 15 - Pas d'action
10. Pas d'action: Aurora and Florimund
11. Aurora's Variation
12. Coda
13. No. 16 - Scene
14. No. 17 - Panorama
15. No. 19 - Symphonic Entr' acte - No. 20 - Finale: The Awakening
16. No. 21 - March
17. No. 22 - Polonaise: Procession of Fairy Tale Characters - no. 23 - Pas de quatre
18. Introduction
19. Variation I - The Golden Fairy
20. Variation II - The Silver Fairy
21. Variation IV - The Diamond Fairy - Coda
22. No. 24 - Pas de caractere: Puss-in-boots and the White Cat - no. 25 - Pas de quatre
23. Introduction
24. Variation I - Cinderella and Prince Charming
25. Variation II - The Bluebird and Princess Florine
26. Coda
27. No. 26 - Pas de caractere: Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
28. No. 27 - Tom Thumb -
29. No. 28 - Cinderella and Prince Fortune
30. Entree
31. Variation I - Florimund
32. Variation II - Aurora
33. Coda
34. No. 29 - Sarabande - no. 30 - Finale and Apotheosis
35. Finale
36. Apotheosis
The Nutcracker
01. Miniature Overture
02. No. 1 - The Decoration of the Christmas Tree
03. No. 2 - March
04. No. 3 - Children's Galop and Entry of the Parents
05. No. 4 - Arrival of Drosselmeyer
06. No. 5 - Grandfather's Dance
07. No. 6 - Scene: Clara and the Nutcracker
08. No. 7 - Scene: The Battle
09. No. 8 - Scene: In the Pine Forest
10. No. 9 - Waltz of the Snowflakes
Act II
11. No. 10 - Scene: The Kingdom of Sweets
12. No. 11 - Clara and the Prince - No. 12 - Divertissement
13. Chocolate: Spanish Dance
14. Coffee: Arabian Dance
15. Tea: Chinese Dance
16. Trepak: Russian Dance
17. Dance of the Reed Pipes
18. Mother Gigogne
19. No. 13 - Waltz of the Flowers
01. No. 14 Pas de deux
02. Variation I - Tarantella
03. Variation II - Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
04. Coda
05. No. 15 Final Waltz and Apotheosis
Suite for Orchestra No. 3 op. 55
06. I Elegie
07. II Valse melancolique
08. III Scherzo
09. IV Theme et variations
Suite for Orchestra No. 4 op. 61
10. I Gigue
11. II Menuet
12. III Preghiera
13. IV Theme et variations
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Ernest Ansermet, regente
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10 comentários:
Carlinus... Obrigado. Sem mais.
WOW! Overdose de Tchaikovsky hoje! XD
Baixei O Quebra-Nozes ontem, gravação maravilhosa, vou baixar daqui a pouco A Bela Adormecida, são balés maravilhosos! Obrigado por disponibilizar tão bom acervo quanto este!
Carlinus, pode até ser impressão minha... Mes não está faltando nada no Lago dos Cisnes não?
No. 3, 6, 9, 16, 19, 24, 25, 26 e 27?
Si fuera posible agradeceré que se vuelvan a restablecer estos links de Ansermet. Gracias.
Eduardo (Buenos Aires)
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