Frederick Delius (1862-1934) -
01. Dance Rhapsody No.2
02. Summer Evening
03. On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring
04. Summer Night on the River
05. A Song before Sunrise
06. Fennimore and Gerda - Intermezzo
07. Irmelin Prelude
08. Songs of Sunset (Ernest Dowson) - A song of the setting sun !
09. Songs of Sunset - Cease smiling, Dear! a little while be sad
10. Songs of Sunset - Pale amber sunlight falls across the reddening October trees
11. Songs of Sunset - Exceeding sorrow consumeth my sad heart!
12. Songs of Sunset - By the waters of separation
13. Songs of Sunset - See how the trees and the osiers lithe are green bedecked
14. Songs of Sunset - I was not sorrowful, I could not weep
15. Songs of Sunset - Tey are not long, The weeping and the laughter
Royal Philhamonic Orchestra
Sir Thomas Beecham, regente
John Cameron, barítono
Maureen Forrester, contralto
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