quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2021

Arvo Pärt (1935 - ) - Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem


Arvo Pärt (1935 - ) -

01 Jesus is betrayed and arrested in Gethsemane (exordium; John 18;1-12)
02 Jesus is interrogated by the high priest and denied by Peter (John 18;13-27)
03 Jesus is judged by Pilate and reviled by the people (John 18;28-19;15)
04 Jesus is crucified at Golgotha (John 19;16-30; conclusio)

Tonus Peregrinus
Antony Pitts, diretor
Robert Macdonald, bass (Jesus)
Mark Anderson, tenor (Pilate)

Você pode comprar este disco na Amazon

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3 comentários:

  1. Many thanks for this post! Unfortunately the Google Drive download doesn't seem to be working. I tried both yesterday and today with no luck. any chance you could fix it, or tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks again - Thorlief
