O Messias é, certamente, uma das obras mais conhecidas de Handel. Incontestavelmente, o seu oratório mais famoso. Alimento uma profunda veneração por ele. Possui uma musicalidade de grande sensibilidade melódica. Já postei inúmeras versões de O Messias. Hoje, em homenagem ao Natal, a festa cristã por excelência, resolvi postar mais uma versão. Em outras postagens, fiz uma parca apresentação da obra, que possui uma estrutura didática bastante envolvente. Não deixe de ouvir. Uma boa apreciação!
Georg F. Handel (1685-1759) -
01. Sinfony
02. 1. Accompagnato (Tenor)_ “Comfort ye my people”
03. 2. Aria (Tenor)_ “Ev'ry valley shall be exalted”
04. 3. Chorus_ “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed”
05. 4. Accompagnato (Bass)_ “Thus saith the Lord of Hosts”
06. 5c. Aria (Alto)_ “But who may abide the day of his coming”
07. 6. Chorus_ “And he shall purify the son of Levi”
08. 7. Recitative (Alto)_ “Behold, a vrigin shall conceive”
09. 8. Aria (Alto)_ “O thou that tellest good tifings”
10. 9. Chorus_ “O thou that tellest good tidings”
11. 10. Accompagnato (Bass)_ “For behold, darkness shall cover”
12. 11. Aria (Bass)_ “he people that walked in darkness”
13. 12. Chorus_ For unto us a child is born”
14. 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony_Hirtenmusik_Pastorale)
15. 15. Chorus_ “Glory to God in the highest”
16. 16. Aria (Soprano)_ “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion”
17. 17a. Recitative (Alto)_ “Then shall the eues of th blind be open'd”
18. 18a. Duet (Alto, Soprano)_ “He shall feed his floke”
19. 19. Chorus_ “His yoke is easy, his burthen is light”
01. 20. Chorus_ “Behold the Lamb of God”
02. 21. Aria (Alto)_ “He was despised”
03. 22. Chorus_ “Surely, he hath borne our griefs” _ 23. Chorus_ “And with his stripes we are healed”
04. 25. Accompagnato (Tenor)_ “All they that see him”
05. 26. Chorus_ ““He trusted in God”
06. 27. Accompagnato (Tenor)_ “Thy rebuke hath broken his heart”
07. 28. Aria (Tenor)_ “Behold and see, if there be any sorrow”
08. 29. Accompagnato (Tenor)_ “He was cut off out of the land”
09. 30. Aria (Tenor)_ “But thou didst not leave his soul”
10. 31. Chorus_ “Lift up your heads, O ye gates”
11. 36. Aria (Soprano)_ “How beautiful are the feet”
12. 38a. Aria (Bass)_ “Why do the nations so furiously rage”
13. 39. Chorus_ “Let us break their bonds asunder”
14. 40. Recitative (Tenor)_ “He hath sweleth in heaven” _ 41. Aria (Tenor)_ “Thou shalt break them
15. 42. Chorus_ “Hallelujah!”
16. 43. Aria (Soprano)_ “I know that my Redeemer liveth”
17. 44. Chorus_ “Since by man came death”
18. 45. Accompagnato (Bass)_ “Behold, I tell you a mistery”
19. 46. Aria (Bass)_ “The trumpet shall sound”
20. 47. Recitative (Alto)_ “Then shall be brought to pass” _ 48. Duet (Alto, Tenor)_ “O death, where is thy sting_”
21. 49. Chorus_ “But thanks be to God”
22. 50. Aria (Soprano)_ “If God be for us”
23. 51. Chorus_ “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain” _ 52. Chorus_ “Amen”
Choeur des Musiciens du Louvre
Les Musiciens du Louvre
Marc Minkowski, regente
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Muchas gracias por esta bore tan hermosa, mil gracias por tan maravilloso blog, una feliz navidad y grandes abrazos desde Colombia.