Primeira postagem da segunda-feira. Uma obra cuja beleza e aspectos emblemáticos a colocam entre as grandes da história da música. Mussorgsky é um compositor que possui um peso enorme para a música russa. Falar em Mussorgsky é, de fato, fazer referência ao mundo russo. Esta interpretação possui uma linguagem particular. Não deixe de ouvir. Uma boa apreciação!
Modest P. Mussorgsky (1839-1881) -
01. Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade
02. Pictures at an Exhibition - I. Gnomus
03. Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade
04. Pictures at an Exhibition - II. Il vecchio castello (The Old Castle)
05. Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade
06. Pictures at an Exhibition - III. Tuileries
07. Pictures at an Exhibition - IV. Bydlo
08. Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade
09. Pictures at an Exhibition - V. Bellet de poussins dans leurs coques (Ballet of the Chickens in their Shells)
10. Pictures at an Exhibition - VI. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
11. Pictures at an Exhibition - Promenade
12. Pictures at an Exhibition - VII. Limoges, le marche (Limoges, the Market)
13. Pictures at an Exhibition - VIII. Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum)
14. Pictures at an Exhibition - VIII. Cum mortuis in lingua morta (With the Dead in the Language of the Dead)
15. Pictures at an Exhibition - IX. La cabane sur des pattes de poule (The Hut on Fowl's Legs)
16. Pictures at an Exhibition - X. La grande porte de Kiev (The Great Gate of Kiev)
17. Pesni i plyaski smerti (Songs and Dances of Death) - No. 1. Kolibel'naya (Lullaby)
18. Pesni i plyaski smerti (Songs and Dances of Death) - No. 2. Serenada (Serenade)
19. Pesni i plyaski smerti (Songs and Dances of Death) - No. 3. Trepak
20. Pesni i plyaski smerti (Songs and Dances of Death) - No. 4. Polkovodets (The Field - Marshal)
21. Detskaya (The Nursery) - No. 1. S nyaney (With Nurse)
22. Detskaya (The Nursery) - No. 2. V uglu (In the Corner)
23. Detskaya (The Nursery) - No. 3. Zhuk (The Beetle)
24. Detskaya (The Nursery) - No. 4. S kukloy (With the Doll)
25. Detskaya (The Nursery) - No. 5. Na son gryadushchiy (Going to Sleep)
26. Detskaya (The Nursery) - No. 6. Kot Matros (The Cat Sailor)
27. Detskaya (The Nursery) - No. 7. Poyekhal na palochke (On the Hobbyhorse)
New Zeland Symphony Orchestra
Peter Breiner, regente
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