segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2022

Wenzeslaus Matiegka (1773-1830) - Notturnos for Flute, Viola & Guitar

01. Notturno in G Major, Op. 21: I. Allegro moderato
02. Notturno in G Major, Op. 21: II. Menuetto
03. Notturno in G Major, Op. 21: III. Lento e patetico
04. Notturno in G Major, Op. 21: IV. Zingara
05. Notturno in G Major, Op. 21: V. Ständchen. Mädchen, o schlummre noch nicht!
06. Serenade in C Major, Op. 26: I. Adagio non moto-Allegro moderato
07. Serenade in C Major, Op. 26: II. Scherzo. Presto
08. Serenade in C Major, Op. 26: III. Rondo. Allegro moderato

Sérénade à trois

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2 comentários:

  1. Que delícia de música! Continue nos agraciando com essas joias! Abraços musicais.

  2. I was wondering if there might be trouble with this download link. It downloads OK but after downloading and I try to open it to listen to it I get a not responding message. Any chance of getting it fixed? It really would be much appreciated and thank you for a fantastic blog.
